Government & Economics Survey 2015 Results (Preliminary)

First Published: 2015-04-03

On March 16, 2015 we circulated a brief survey to find out how satisfied people are with The Government, their Member of Parliament, The Economy, the Ethics and Morals of the Community, the Quality of Life and Taxes.

Respondents could answer Very satisfied, Satisfied, Dissatisfied and Very Dissatisfied.

Bear in mind this is a non-scientific survey and the sample is quite small, but the results were thought provoking just the same.

90% of respondents are very dissatisfied with the Government.
81% of respondents are either very dissatisfied (45.46%) or dissatisfied (36.36%) with their Member of Parliament. 18% are satisfied with their MP.
A combined 100% are either very dissatisfied (54.55%) or dissatisfied (45.45%) with the economy’s performance.
72.73% of the survey takers are dissatisfied with the ethics and morals of our society. The remaining respondents (27.27%) are very dissatisfied.
Those dissatisfied with the quality of life totalled 72.73%. 18.19% are very dissatisfied while only 9.08% are satisfied.
100% of respondents are either very dissatisfied (63.64%) or dissatisfied (36.36%) with the level of taxation.

All very revealing.

We’ve reissued the survey in an effort to get a wider response. Stay tuned.

Do you have any ideas for other surveys?

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