Dr. Milton Friedman said; “Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.”
The challenges facing our small nation are many and maybe we are not yet at the tipping point to crisis, but one of the things the Nassau Institute does is keep ideas and policies alive that would help steer the ship of state around the bad policy reefs.
Toward this end, we are excited to seek your support for our 2015 Visiting Professor Series.
A broad outline follows:
Title: The Evolution and Future of the State
Summary: The last 100 years was the century of the Welfare/Warfare State. Its growth starting in Germany, its wars and the instability of economic activity this generated needs to be explained. Alternative views on the future of the state will also be discussed.
• Tom Di Lorenzo, Ph.D. – How America Became A Corporate Welfare State – Week of February 16, 2015
• Mr. Douglas French – Business Cycles and the State – Week of March 16, 2015
• Joseph Salerno, Ph.D. – Money and the State – Week of April 20, 2015
• Kenneth Zahringer, Ph.D. – Monetary Reform in Small Countries – Week of May 25, 2015
Professor Randy Forbes at College of The Bahamas has expressed an interest in co-hosting this event, so we anticipate the lectures will take place at COB.
Our budget for the series is projected at $34,000, including air fare, hotel, meals, advertising, books, videography and more. We are seeking your financial support to accomplish this important task. You can help in several ways.
Donor $250 – For $250 we will note your name or that of your company on the programme if you wish.
Supporter $750 – We’ll print your name in the programme, provide a table where you can display company brochures or it can go toward the Nassau Institute’s general fund.
Patron (Event Sponsor) $1,500 – You can display a stand up banner, we’ll print your name in the programme and provide brochures or giveaway items.
Please let us know if we can answer any questions. You can call us at:
Joan Thompson, President Emeritus: 324-2035
Rick Lowe, Vice President/Treasurer: 302-0130 extension 2226
Jorge Borlandelli, Secretary: 424-9445
Concern for the future is so much a part of our lives in these uncertain times a contribution to the Nassau Institute is an investment toward helping secure more liberty for ourselves and our children in the years ahead. We look forward to your support in keeping alternative public policies alive and “available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.”
Yours in Liberty,
Rick Lowe,
Vice President/Treasurer.