In a world beset by terrorists and religion-based fanaticism it is reassuring when a book comes along to remind us of the life-honouring visions of remarkable leaders like Ronald Reagan. That book is "The Reagan Vision" by Dan and Brad Lips.
There are many volumes covering the life and times of the fortieth President of the United States, and there are bound to be more. Included in "The Reagan Vision" are some of the most famous speeches such as "A Time for Choosing" The First Inaugural Address, "Tear Down this Wall" and other reminders of the period when communism threatened survival of the freedoms taken for granted by North Americans.
The unthinkable happened on 9/11 and once again democratic nations have had to mobilize to defend life and property. The inevitable differences in multi-cultural societies are part of the challenge in finding appropriate responses to destructive forces. Such differences are bridged by the unifying force of the principles underlying the President's vision as they cut across the borders of country, race and cultures.
Authors Brad & Dan Lips are representative of a younger generation "touched by the ideas and the example of Ronald Reagan". In a concise volume they reinvigorate interest in the character and moral stature of the man who was called to meet the economic and political challenges of the 80's. Throughout the text numerous quotes and vignettes highlight some of the President's key ideas giving a personal touch to the narrative. The relevance and inspirational quality of the book will appeal to equally to Bahamians and Americans.
The book can be purchased from The Goldwater Institute and is in pdf format on the Goldwater website.
Brad Lips is Chief Operating Officer of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.
Dan Lips is a Senior Fellow with the Goldwater Institution and a Policy Analyst at the Americans for Prosperity foundation.