Professor Fabio Rojas on Migration. October 24, 2019

First Published: 2019-09-20

THE NASSAU INSTITUTE & TEMPLETON RELIGION TRUST In Collaboration with the Banking Economics & Finance Department & The Economics Society of The University of The Bahamas


Professor Fabio Rojas on Migration: “Open Borders: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels”

When: Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Where: Choices, University of The Bahamas

Admission: Free of charge

Need Information? Call (242) 302-0140

Talk summary: “Open Borders: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels” – Is it acceptable to prevent someone from moving or travelling to a new country? This talk will review anti-immigration arguments from the most basic to the most sophisticated and show that these arguments rarely hold up to scrutiny. Thus, migration should be liberalized.

Brief bio: Fabio Rojas is professor of sociology at Indiana University and editor of Contexts, the official magazine of the American Sociological Association. In addition to his sociological research, Rojas is an advocate for open borders. He co-founded the Open Borders Conference and has appeared on Vox, Aeon Ideas, and other websites to promote free migration.

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Comments 1

  1. Open boarders and economic mass migration destroy a nation’s political sovereignty and its spirit
    of nationalism.. National social and cultural identify also are debased by the changes in economic migratory patterns..

    Today in Europe specifically in Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the Scandinavian countries, massive migration has become a major detriment to the economic and social stability of these once stable and admired nations.. Globalism, driven by collective beliefs in open borders and social justice, has debased individualism and the fundamental values of liberty and a free society.. Individualism, based on freedom of choice, eventually gives way to utopian collectivism and socialist governance where collective elitist take absolute political power from the people..

    Economic freedom and a nation’s sovereignty must be defended no mattter what the costs.. Ask any Venezuelian, Cuban or resident of Hong kong and they will tell you, “the price of freedom is priceless”..

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