Please consider The Nassau Institute for your charitable donations for 2014

First Published: 2013-12-29

Please help us continue our “Mission” of promoting economic growth in a free market economy with limited government, in a society that embraces the rule of law and the right to private property.

2013 was an exciting year. Our international lecturers included Dr. Yaron Brook who spoke about his latest book, ‘Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government’ and Dr. Richard Ebeling who conducted our Spring Lecture Series at College of The Bahamas.

Local speakers included Mr. Julian Francis who addressed us on the topic, "The Bahamas public debt in perspective, and why it’s important to contain its further growth", and Mr. Ronald Atkinson who spoke about "A 10 year Economic Perspective with reference to proposed taxation"

During August we released a study prepared by Mr. David Godsell on "The Economic Consequences of the Value-Added Tax for The Bahamas" (pdf), that has been distributed widely. The report was very much appreciated by our contributors and many in the private sector and widely accepted for its scholarship and foresight.

For 2014 plans are under way to continue our Economics of Liberty, Spring Lecture Series, co-sponsored by The Templeton Foundations in 2011, 2012 and 2013. This event has been a great success and we are expanding that effort this year even further to include the general public and Civil Servants if we can raise enough to pull it off.

Plans to continue with international and local speakers as in years past are in the works. Our informal presentations at our offices from time to time will recommence and we continue to develop a library for liberty where we can lend books that keep ideas of alternatives to existing policies alive and available, in the words of Dr. Milton Friedman; “until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.”

We are delighted that so many of our visitors here have supported our efforts in the past, and we would be grateful if you would renew your sponsorship today with your cheque payable to The Nassau Institute to help achieve our goals. You can mail it to P.O. Box N-36, Nassau N.P. Bahamas if you’re writing it now, or please click here…, or on the button above to find more ways to donate.

We look forward to any assistance you might provide to help continue the work of the Institute so we can remain an independent, apolitical, think tank analyzing public policy with no vested interest.

Help support The Nassau Institute

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