On Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 6:30pm in the auditorium at The Harry C. Moore Library, College of The Bahamas Map.. Kenneth Zahringer, Ph.,D. spoke on Monetary Reform in Small Countries.
Watch the video below.
Theme of speech:
Small states have different options and constraints concerning monetary systems. Mimicking large states by having a national currency and a central bank may not be the best plan. He will explore some of the alternatives, and their implications for liberty-minded citizens.
Dr. Zahringer is currently adjunct instructor for Columbia College and Central Methodist University and a research fellow in the Division of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Missouri, where he is studying innovation in the life science industry. He holds a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Missouri. His work has been published in the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics and presented at conferences in the US and Europe. He has also authored several articles for Mises.org. His other current projects include a book on the relationship of Christian ethics and classical liberalism and a video documentary on the influence of alcohol prohibition on the rise of organized crime in the US.
Presented by: The Nassau Institute and Templeton Religion Trust in collaboration with The Banking, Economics and Finance Department and The Economics Society of The College of The Bahamas
Patrons – Arizona, Go Ahead, Donald Tomlinson, Compass Point
Supporters – JS. Johnson Insurance Agents & Brokers, Majestic Tours
Donor – Bahamas First
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