So says James Shikwati founder of the libertarian think tank IREN in Kenya.
Speaking about the disastrous effects of western development policy in Africa, corrupt rulers, and the tendency to overstate the AIDS problem he says "The countries that have collected the most development aid are also the ones that are in the worst shape. Despite the billions that have poured in to Africa, the continent remains poor"
How could all the money and other relief and good intentions have the disastrous effects of perpetuating poverty instead of resolving it?
James Shikwati will give his explanation for African poverty. He will also tell us about his journey as a young economist and discovery of libertarian principles. It began when he read Frederick Bastiat's little book "The Law". This remarkable classic with its rigorous logic motivated him to a different understanding of the causes of poverty.
Since his discovery, he has maintained a dialogue with our good friend Lawrence W. Reed of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and with The Atlas Economic Research Foundation.
The Nassau Institute sponsored Larry Reed's visit to Nassau the last week of May. His subject was "The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy". An enthralled audience unfortunately did not include any members of Parliament, although they were invited.
On June 21st the Nassau Institute and the Atlas Economic Research Foundation are sponsoring James Shikwati, Dr. Michael Walker and Michael Fairbanks of OTF (On the Frontier) in a Symposium at Atlantis.
For certain the audience will be introduced to a new way of thinking about the Bahamian economy, ideas different from those that have motivated politicians of both political parties.
The theme for the symposium is "Changing the Direction of a Country to Re-energize its Talents."
For more information about the speakers and to register go here or telephone 324 4089 or 324 2035 before June 18th, 2007.