The Nassau Institute launched its revised and upgraded web site on Friday December 14, 2007.
Visitors will appreciate the ease of on-screen reading and the user friendly research features.
The latest technology will enable audio and video links of conferences sponsored by the institute.
The new design simplifies an exchange of opinion as it invites the expression of different ideas about the Bahamian economy.
Another exciting feature is a national debt counter. This displays an approximate amount of debt owed by The Bahamas Government on behalf of its citizens. The best estimate is the debt now exceeds $2.9 billion dollars.
Through the years the web site has consistently reflected the institute’s “Mission” as an independent, a-political, non-profit institute, supporting free markets, economic growth, the rule of law and a limited government that protects the life and property of its citizens.
The “Vision” for the institute and its directors is to see The Bahamas become the first small developed sovereign nation in the region, recognised as a model for the world.