Video: Economics of Liberty 2011: Lecture Series – Lecture Nine

First Published: 2011-07-21

The Nassau Institute proudly presents the ninth and final lecture in its Economics of Liberty, Lecture Series. It’s titled, "The Virtues of Freedom: Restoring a Society of Liberty".

The lectures were conducted May 2 & 3, 2011, by Dr. Richard Ebeling, Professor of Economics at Northwood University, Midland Michigan, USA.

The Nassau Institute is grateful to Dr. Ebeling for his assistance, guidance, dedication and fabulous teaching ability.

A special, heart felt, thank you is extended to The Templeton Foundations for their generous support, without which this lecture series would not have been possible.

We also thank The College of The Bahamas and Professor Randy Forbes for hosting this lecture series in their great auditorium in the new Harry C. Moore Library.

Enjoy the ninth and final lecture, "The Virtues of Freedom: Restoring a Society of Liberty" below.

Find the readings for the lectures at the links below:

1. In Defense of Capitalism Part One (pdf)
2. In Defense of Capitalism Part Two (pdf)
3. The Lasting Legacies of WWI: Big Government Paper Money and Inflation (pdf)
4. Why Government Grows (pdf)
5. The Free Market and the Interventionist State (pdf)
6. Why Socialism is Impossible (pdf)

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