by Deepak Lal Loss of growth momentum and jobs, induced by demonetisation, are the reasons for government’s demands to raid …
The US culture wars
The coming midterm elections matter because their outcome will affect the cosmological beliefs of much of the world by Deepak …
Is Trump killing the liberal world order?
The world doesn’t have a true Liberal International Economic Order anymore, and Trump’s actions should be judged accordingly by Deepak …
Budget private schools
Remember that for merit goods (education, health) there is only a case for govt financing but not for their production …
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is becoming a massive debt trap
Beijing is creating debt traps to turn countries into vassal states by Deepak Lal First Published at Business Standard: Wed, …
Liberal international economic order dead?
The US never accepted the classical liberal case for free trade by Deepak Lal Brexit and Donald Trump’s accession to …
Cash and monetary policy
In a cashless economy, it would be difficult to distinguish electronic money from interest-bearing electronic bonds, and monetary policy would …
Crowds & machines: The digital revolution – II
While the digital revolution has provided many benefits, there are many threats as well, such as from the possible advent …
Rise of platforms: The digital revolution – I
There must be a way to reverse the default position of giving personal information for services provided by both governments …